Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Salesforce's Bret Taylor steps down as co-CEO, Marc Benioff to be at the helm

Benioff will remain the sole CEO and continue as board chairman of the software giant when Taylor departs on Jan. 31, the company said Wednesday in a statement. Taylor has been at the company for the past six years and was named co-CEO in November 2021.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion

Show HN: Notion Standup – Get daily reports on your tasks on Notion Notion Standup helps you to receive daily standup reports on email and other channels for your and your team's current and overdue tasks on Notion. Stay updated always with daily reports through email, Slack, Discord, Webhook, Zapier, and Telegram. December 1, 2022 at 07:10AM

A Brief History of the T Third Part 1: 1860-2007

A Brief History of the T Third Part 1: 1860-2007
By Jeremy Menzies

Earlier this month, we launched free weekend shuttle service in the Central Subway. And come January 7th, our 4 new stations will connect directly to the rest of the T line from Sunnydale to Chinatown. Through this two-part blog series, we will look back at some of the history of the T from the 1860s to today!

In Part One, we’ll look over the first 150 years from the 1860s to the 2000s. Next month in Part Two, we will take a closer look at the history of the T and Central Subway projects leading up to today’s service. 

The Horsecar Era: 1860s-1890s 

Starting in the 1860s, transit service along today’s T Line was provided by horsecars. These were small rail cars (that looked much like a cable car) that were pulled along tracks by horses. Two companies, the Omnibus Railroad and the North Beach & Mission Railway, operated horsecar lines on parts of the path of today’s T. These lines were mainly meant to connect North Beach with the 3rd and 4th street corridors as far south as about Townsend Street. 

Image of a busy intersection from the 1890's with horse drawn streetcars, pedestrians and a department building are seen

This photo circa the 1880s shows the busy intersection of Kearny, Geary, 3rd and Market streets, looking south to 3rd.  In the foreground is a horsecar running up Kearny from 3rd. 

Further south on 3rd (then called Kentucky Street), horsecars were operated by the Potrero & Bay View Railroad. Here the route ran over two bridges across Mission Bay and Islais Creek (known as “Longbridge”), ending near today’s 3rd & Gilman. This route served the industrial heart of San Francisco and opened up development in the Bayview but was not very profitable because of its length. 

The Electric Streetcar Era: 1890s-1940s 

The 1890s marked the dawn of the electric streetcar era in San Francisco. A new technology, electric-powered cars could carry more people over longer distances faster than both horse and cable cars. On top of that, they were cheaper to operate and increased profit potential for transit companies. 

Two streetcars from 1911 shown with a person seen in the middle as well as a horse drawn carriage on the side

This 1911 photo shows two cars passing at 3rd (Kentucky) and 20th streets. On the left is a 16 Line car running to its terminal in the Bayview. At right is a 30 Line car heading north to 8th and Market. 

In 1894, the first electric streetcar line began operating along parts of today’s T Line. Known as the 3rd & Kearny Line, it followed much the same route as the early horsecars from North Beach to the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot on Townsend Street. It was extended into the Bayview to 3rd and Palou and eventually was reformed into the 15, 16, and 29 Lines. Each of these served a different portion of the corridor covering differing needs of riders travelling through downtown or all the way out to the Bayview. 

An old streetcar seen on the mainline with a few parked vehicles along the sidewalk and sundry stores in the background

A Muni F Stockton streetcar passes Vallejo Street in this photo from 1916. 

Muni’s first streetcar line to serve a similar route to the Central Subway portion of the T was the F Stockton, which opened for the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition. The F Line ran along 4th and Stockton streets to serve South of Market, Union Square, Chinatown and North Beach before heading out to end at Chestnut and Scott streets. 

Buses along the Bay: 1950s-2000s 

Following World War II, the 3rd Street corridor was among the many that saw transit service shift from streetcars to buses. By 1951, the 15 Kearny route served much of the area once covered by the 15, 16, and 29 streetcar lines.  

Cars and buses seen traveling during the busy commute on a congested street.

Buses on the 30, 15 and 42 fight the morning rush northbound on 3rd Street in this 1959 photo. 

Traveling along portions of today’s 8 Bayshore and T Third, the 15 route went from Powell and Jefferson streets all the way to Geneva and Mission. Eventually, it was extended to City College on Ocean Avenue. While not the only route to serve the area, the 15 carried the bulk of the load for people wishing to travel along this corridor. 

On Stockton Street, the 30 Stockton bus took over for the F, following the same route through Chinatown, Union Square, and South of Market to 4th and Townsend streets. 

An articulated bus and coach seen traveling on a busy street

Many long-time riders will recognize this view of a 15 bus on 3rd & Palou. Discontinued with the opening of the T Line in 2007, the 15 was revived as the 15 Bayview-Hunter’s Point Express in 2021.  

Tune in next month for a closer look at the history of the T Third and Central Subway Projects. 

Published December 01, 2022 at 05:38AM

Indian e-marketplaces expected to see funding shortage in near term: report

Growth will come from expanding into tier-3 cities, global markets but without burning money amid funding slowdown: Bain & Co and Accel report.

from Tech-Economic Times

Meta to take call on Donald Trump re-entry in early 2023: Nick Clegg

Meta will take a decision on whether to revoke former US President Donald Trump's suspension in early 2023, Nick Clegg, president, global affairs of Meta told ET in an exclusive interview.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player

Show HN: AudioGata, a plugin based Web Audio player November 30, 2022 at 11:15PM

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Show HN: SinglePage – Quickly and anonymously publish a page to the web

Show HN: SinglePage – Quickly and anonymously publish a page to the web Creating a basic webpage has become way too complicated and expensive. Often there are those times when you just want to share your thoughts with the world but don't want the overhead and complexities that come with maintaining a website. Sometimes, you have an interesting thought piece, an education article, or just a quick and simple bio page that doesn't need the heavy hand of a WordPress blog or Medium post. That's where Single Page comes in. Publish a single page instantly to the web with no fuss. I was laid off three weeks ago from Twitter and I decided to work through a couple of my projects and this was one of them. I've tried blogs over the years, Medium didn't feel right but yet I wanted to quickly post pages online and couldn't find an easy way to do it. So I created it. Feedback appreciated! November 30, 2022 at 01:44AM

Show HN: I rebuilt MySpace from 2007 (2 year update)

Show HN: I rebuilt MySpace from 2007 (2 year update) November 30, 2022 at 02:09AM

Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions

Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions This userscript adds archive URLs to the metadata section of HN submissions without breaking the immersion. Here are 2 screenshots: GreasyFork: Source code: Now let me overexplain. -Why?- I never liked paywalled articles. I understand where they come from, but I don't like where we cross our paths. This is why I don't use major news aggregators anymore. Instead, I spend my "catching-up-with-the-world-time" on Hacker News. However, Hacker News (HN) also has its fair-share of paywalled articles. ( Around 11.6% according to my short-lived, half-assed attempt at measuring it. See my super old data I tell the story below.) -First try- Around a year ago, when I ran the above experiment, my goal wasn't to run that experiment. It was during my self-teaching & career-changing process, I decided to build a React HN clone. To make it stand-out from the bunch, I added a paywall feature. It would detect paywalled articles and would add an archive URL into the metadata. The issue with archiving is unless someone archived the link before on the {archiving-project} then the link is most likely not archived. So me sending people to those projects meant nothing. It kinda meant something for me from an ideological standpoint but I assume you are not me. This rubbed me the wrong way. I decided to build a backend (See ) that would scan the links and automatically to detect paywalls close to real-time and submit paywalled ones to for archival. I used Nodejs, Firebase, and React. I was -still am- really proud because I believed it was doing public good in terms of digital preservation. Only 1 person needed to run this script to benefit everyone. As an extra, I was curious on how many paywalled articles were being shared, by whom, at what time. So I also created some analytics functionality to gather the data. And later created a UI to present it. HN-Paywall-Archiver was great but I stopped running the backend at some point. Because at that point couldn't find a way to continuously run my backend code on some platform for cheap or didn't try hard enough. P.S. Recently I've been thinking of remaking this version with Cloudflare Workers. -Hacker News Paywall Archiver Userscript- After almost a year, I got into userscripts. Super great super awesome concept. People seem to hate javascript unless it is presented as a userscript. So I decided to get my hands dirty to create a simple solution that solves the paywall issue on HN without breaking any hearts. My solution is not perfect as it had to be simple. But here's the rundown. Pros: - Does not beg for attention. - Simple code, simple concept. - Unintentionally, indicates which submissions are paywalled without you interacting with anything. - Not-yet-archived archive links can make you feel like you are contributing to the society after you click on the "archive this URL" button on project page. - Uses HN html defaults, so I hope it plays well with the HN skins/plugins/userscripts you use. Cons: - It doesn't automatically archive the links. - It uses clone of a static list of paywalled websites sourced from a popular Chrome extension. ( ) So changing the paywall list is slow and manual. - No guarantees of archived links actually having the archive readily available for reading. Though there are currently 3 projects added, so it should be enough for most links. So, there you go. I hope you enjoy it. It can break occasionally due to changes in news.ycombinator code, if you let me know on Twitter, I can fix it ASAP. Otherwise you have to wait until I notice that the script is broken, which can take quite a while as I browse HN on mobile. November 30, 2022 at 04:38AM

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit)

Show HN: Overengineering guest WiFi logins for fun (sadly not profit) Hey HN! I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a while and finally "completed" (until next time I try to improve it, that is). The idea is that I wanted my guest wifi password to change frequently, but I also didn't want my guests to hate me every time they came over to visit. Hence be_my_guest was born. Please let me know what you think! November 29, 2022 at 10:01PM

Show HN: Can you tell if an image is AI-generated?

Show HN: Can you tell if an image is AI-generated? November 30, 2022 at 01:06AM

Swiggy shuts The Bowl Company cloud kitchens in Delhi-NCR

Sources said Swiggy was attempting to become operationally fitter and was cutting down on some of its experimental activities, while indicating that shutting down The Bowl Company in Delhi-NCR was unlikely to have a major impact.

from Tech-Economic Times

Monday, November 28, 2022

Show HN: Figma plugin to convert screen recordings to screenshots

Show HN: Figma plugin to convert screen recordings to screenshots I was tired of wasting hours taking screenshots on my phone—use this plugin to generate screen inventories in minutes. November 29, 2022 at 05:06AM

Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll

Show HN: Jektex – Fast server side rendering of latex for Jekyll Hello! This is my first attempt of creating, publishing and maintaining my own package. I have a blog with something around 4000 latex expressions. Client side rendering using latex was super slow and some phones did not render it properly. I tried some KaTeX plugins for server side rendering but they were painfully slow (on my laptop it took more than 5 min to build). So I decided to learn some ruby and create latex rendering plugin by my self. So I created jektex. Jektex is a Jekyll plugin for fast server side cached LaTeX rendering, with support for macros and is very configurable. Now I can render y entire blog in 2 seconds on same laptop. I will be very happy for any feedback or advice. Have a nice day November 29, 2022 at 04:37AM

Construction Starts on the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build

Construction Starts on the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build
By Eillie Anzilotti

Rendered image of the completed Battery/Sansome Quick Build Project" 

Rendered image of the completed Battery/Sansome Quick Build Project

The first-ever protected bike lane in the Financial District is on its way in! 

This week, SFMTA crews are starting work on the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build project. Approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in September, this project will bring a two-way protected bike lane to Battery Street. The project will also add pedestrian safety improvements on both Battery and Sansome Streets, and some loading changes on Battery.  

This project is a major step forward for cycling in the city. Apart from the Embarcadero, there is no other protected bike lane near the Financial District — even though two out of the 10 most active bike share stations in the city are in the downtown area. With so many people returning to downtown offices after working from home due to the pandemic, this new route will offer a safer option for those looking for a more active commute.  

Over the past year, SFMTA staff have worked with neighborhood stakeholders to come up with a design that meets current needs and supports downtown San Francisco’s future. During the same time, the Downtown SF Partnership — the neighborhood’s nonprofit that supports local businesses — commissioned a plan to imagine how the neighborhood could evolve out of the pandemic. Downtown was hit especially hard by COVID-19 and has been slow to recover. The Downtown SF Public Action Realm Plan makes a number of recommendations for activating the neighborhood, from more greenery to improved public spaces. The plan also calls for creating better bike connections and a safer, more welcoming pedestrian experience throughout the neighborhood. The Battery/Sansome Quick-Build project was named in the plan as an essential part of transforming Downtown SF into a more welcoming space for all. 

During our outreach, we heard a lot of enthusiasm for the idea of a two-way bike lane, which is now being built on Battery Street. But we also heard concerns that removing a vehicle travel lane could worsen congestion in the downtown area, especially during peak commute hours when people head toward the Bay Bridge. To address these concerns, the western side of the street will have commercial loading zones that local businesses will be able to use except for during peak hours, when the zones will need to be cleared. That way, the street will still have three functional vehicle travel lanes during rush hours. This solution was designed with the community to keep traffic flowing while creating a dedicated space for active travel.  

Construction will likely take up to three weeks, and we appreciate your patience as these important street improvements are completed. By early next year, the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build will be open for use to explore all that Downtown SF has to offer. As you’re riding through, make sure you stop to admire the new mural at the Battery Bridge by Peruvian-born, SF-based painter Talavera-Ballón — and share what you think of the new bikeway with our team. 

For more information and updates, please visit Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project. 

Published November 29, 2022 at 03:18AM

Show HN: Automate your task follow-through across your business tools

Show HN: Automate your task follow-through across your business tools Hi All, Rejoy is a tool that automates your task follow-through across your business tools. Connect and monitor fields across tools like Zendesk, Jira, Asana etc. Create rules to trigger actions based on conditions. Automate notifications, field updates, and reporting. We are in private beta with a free one month trial. Thank you for your feedback. November 28, 2022 at 11:00PM

Elon Musk says Apple mostly stopped advertising on Twitter

Elon Musk said in a tweet on Monday that Apple Inc has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Feuille – a fast, simple socket-based pastebin

Show HN: Feuille – a fast, simple socket-based pastebin Should be considered as a usable WiP for now. I still need to tweak and fix some things in my code. I'd love to get some feedback! See < > for my personal feuille instance. Feel free to play around with it :) November 28, 2022 at 09:22PM

Show HN: Bulwark Passkey – Software-Based FIDO Device for 2FA/WebAuthN

Show HN: Bulwark Passkey – Software-Based FIDO Device for 2FA/WebAuthN Hey y'all, This is something I've been working on for a few months. It is a passkey system, similar to Apple Passkeys or a Yubikey, but it is entirely software based so you can sync credentials between devices. Passkeys (and FIDO devices in general) allow you to use public keys instead of passwords or codes to authenticate. For instance, you can just click "Approve" on the device/software instead of having to copy a code, and there are no passwords to phish. This is a new piece of tech, so website support for logins are still limited, but it can currently be used for 2FA anywhere a Yubikey can be used. Bulwark Passkey emulates the USB device in software, which allows you to sync credentials as well as copy them out. This is less secure than a dedicated hardware device, where credentials can never by copied or removed from the device, but it is much, much more secure and usable than passwords or one-time codes. Please take a look, and I appreciate any feedback you might have! November 29, 2022 at 12:43AM

Show HN: Widget.json and Widget Construction Set

Show HN: Widget.json and Widget Construction Set My friend and I just finished this project last week. I'd love to hear your feedback. widget.json brings a dynamic window to the web to your device's home screen. It's kind of like RSS for widgets, you make a widget.json for whatever web data you want and then subscribe to it in Widget Construction Set, our iOS widget.json viewer. We've made image of the day and word of the day widgets, Youtube channel widgets that show the latest videos, RSS widgets, Prometheus counter widgets and more. You can imagine a GitHub CI widget showing the last build status with a link to view it. Friend groups could make a shared scratch pad of text and images. Househoulds can make a shared TODO or grocery list widget. Widgets can use local device launch schemes which enables widgets to initiate text messages, calls, emails, shortcuts apps, and more. With this, you can make a widget that shows images of your favorite people and when you tap their image it FaceTimes them. If you're worried about Twitter, you could even make your own one-way Twitter replacement where your text and images show up on your followers home screen! Ideally, sites add a widget.json feed alongside their RSS feed. widget.json files have a one-click subscribe link to easily add them to Widget Construction Set. This gives sites and creators a simple, direct connection to their users without the need of building a separate app or having their users remember to visit their site. For Patreon or other user-supported creators, they can offer private widgets that are only granted to their supporters. We couldn't figure a way to make a business on this, but we liked what the technology enabled so we're releasing it all for free, with the exception of a one-time $2.99 purchase to view private widgets. Though since the widget.json format is open, if $2.99 is too steep, people are free to make their own private widget viewer as well. Widget Construction Set: November 29, 2022 at 12:14AM

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Housing Sales in Gurugram Jump Over 3-fold to 24,482 Units During January-September

Noida sees 52% rise in sales to 5,040 units in the first nine months of this year, sales in Greater Noida jumps 46% to 8,651 units during January-September 2022

from Top Business News-

Time’s right for hardware, deep tech companies to step out of campus, says Solinas Integrity CEO Divanshu Kumar

‘Best on Campus’ award winner highlights slow shift towards hardware and deep tech startups.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet

Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet I made a browser extension that lets you leave notes on websites. Some features: search by content, add tags, sync, export/import November 27, 2022 at 11:25PM

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost

Show HN: Hacker way to half app development time and cost November 28, 2022 at 04:56AM

Show HN: A tool that automatically follows people from Twitter on Mastodon

Show HN: A tool that automatically follows people from Twitter on Mastodon November 27, 2022 at 11:45PM

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Now, You Can Buy A Health Insurance Policy | 5 Steps

To get the best out of your health insurance plan, it is imperative to make an informed choice after comparing relevant policies

from Top Business News-

Twitter's ban on Donald Trump after Capitol attack was 'grave mistake', says Elon Musk

Last week, Musk announced the reactivation of Trump's account after a slim majority voted in a Twitter poll in favor of reinstating Trump, who said, however, that he had no interest in returning to Twitter.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads

Show HN: footnote - a modern take on Goodreads footnote - A modern take on Goodreads November 27, 2022 at 09:22AM

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing Hey HN, this is a small project I created that blurs your browser window whenever you start slouching. I'm sure it can be improved, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was interested. Links to the github repo [0] and the extension on the Chrome Webstore [1]. I'd love to get some feedback on it. [0] [1] November 27, 2022 at 08:27AM

Show HN: Iceburg CRM – Open-Source Meta Driven CRM Using Vue3 / Laravel

Show HN: Iceburg CRM – Open-Source Meta Driven CRM Using Vue3 / Laravel November 26, 2022 at 10:49PM

Show HN: Using stylometry to find HN users with alternate accounts

Show HN: Using stylometry to find HN users with alternate accounts November 26, 2022 at 11:33PM

Friday, November 25, 2022

Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects

Show HN: I made an API builder for side projects November 26, 2022 at 10:13AM

China’s iPhone City on edge

The Zhengzhou factory – which reportedly had 120,000 workers in 2012 and more than 200,000 as of this month – is sometimes referred to as iPhone City as it produces the bulk of Apple's iPhones.

from Tech-Economic Times

Samsung plans to invest Rs 400 crore at its Tamil Nadu Facility

Samsung to start manufacturing 5G and 4G radio equipment at Kanchipuram.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3

Show HN: Open Source Bot That Summarizes Top Hacker News Stories Using GPT-3 November 26, 2022 at 05:34AM

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS

Show HN: Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS November 26, 2022 at 04:04AM

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML)

Show HN: Open-source case management for KYC/B (built-in OCR, face matching ML) Hi everyone, We have just released an open-source case management dashboard for manually approving/rejecting KYC requests (know your customer) with built-in OCR & face-matching functionalities. Next steps: - Enable KYB (business onboarding) documents and personas approval. - Connected backend between our KYC flow and the case management dashboard. - Releasing an open-source rule engine, to help automate decisions. We’d love for you to try it out, give us feedback, and suggest features that would make it applicable to you. And if the rest of the project is relevant or interesting to you, follow us here: and we’ll update you once new things are available. Thanks! November 26, 2022 at 01:14AM

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Show HN: Analyze the behavior of OSS for malicious intent

Show HN: Analyze the behavior of OSS for malicious intent November 25, 2022 at 05:35AM

Show HN: AI Charades for Thanksgiving

Show HN: AI Charades for Thanksgiving Hi HN! We just played a charades with Dall-E for Thanksgiving. It was a blast, so I thought I'd share the rules we used in a quick guide! Would love to hear your thoughts! November 25, 2022 at 04:26AM

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal

Show HN: World Cup 2022 CLI Dashboard – Watch matches in your terminal November 25, 2022 at 03:26AM

Show HN: AI generated puzzles from Wikipedia articles

Show HN: AI generated puzzles from Wikipedia articles November 25, 2022 at 03:31AM

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface

Show HN: Stable Diffusion v2 web interface November 25, 2022 at 01:28AM

Show HN: WinkNLP delivers 600k tokens/second speed on browsers (MBP M1)

Show HN: WinkNLP delivers 600k tokens/second speed on browsers (MBP M1) November 24, 2022 at 11:21PM

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Glance Gaming grows over two times in three quarters; driven non-metro gamers

Glance Gaming’s monthly active user base reached 65 million as of October this year: over 73% of these users belonged to non-metros and 47% of these users are women.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: I made a dead simple meta tags API

Show HN: I made a dead simple meta tags API November 24, 2022 at 04:17AM

Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables

Show HN: I've made bad Apple, but using HTML tables November 24, 2022 at 03:34AM

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math

Show HN: Makeshift GPU tensor core using 64-bit CPU integer math November 24, 2022 at 02:23AM

Your Questions, Answered: Central Subway Special Weekend Service

Your Questions, Answered: Central Subway Special Weekend Service
By Mariana Maguire

Map on the left showing the existing Muni Metro system's J Church, K Ingleside, M Ocean View, N Judah and T Third lines with the new Central Subway connecting at Powell Station. The Central Subway goes to Chinatown-Rose Pak Station at Stockton and Washington streets, Union Square/Market Street Station at Geary and Stockton streets, Yerba Buena/Moscone Station at 4th and Folsom streets and 4th & Brannan Station at 4th and Brannan streets. Map on the right showing new T Third Muni Metro routing connecting to Central Subway at 4th and Brannan from 4th and King.

Central Subway special weekend service shuttles customer between Chinatown-Rose Pak Station and 4th & Brannan to explore the new stations. And on January 7, T Third service will connect from Chinatown-Rose Pak to Sunnydale.

What has four brand new stations, thousands of curious customers and really long escalators? It’s Central Subway! Special weekend service launched Saturday and Sunday, November 19 and 20 with a steady stream of Muni customers excited to experience the SFMTA’s historic new subway. They were greeted by ambassadors in orange giving out fortune cookies and Muni squishy trains and answering lots of questions. Customers got to see the new Central Subway stations for the first time and start to learn how to navigate new connections with special shuttle service operating between Chinatown-Rose Pak and 4th & Brannan stations.

We know this is a big change for everyone and it will take time to adjust. As we ready for the official launch of the new T Third line from Chinatown-Rose Pak to Sunnydale on January 7, 2023, we are making final preparations, like installing and updating signage and other improvements over the coming weeks. We are also taking steps to respond to customer feedback we heard over the weekend. Here are some of the most common questions we heard.

  • What’s the difference between special weekend service and January 7 service?
  • Will there be more signage to help customer navigate the new stations and connections?
  • How do I get to Chinatown from Powell Station?
  • Can I take the T Third from 4th and King to Chinatown?
  • What’s the best way to connect to Powell Station from Union Square/Market Street Station?
  • How do I know which side of the platform to board on?
  • The stairs are long! Is there an alternative?

To get the answers to these and other frequency asked questions, visit our service changes page ( and click on the Central Subway Service FAQs.

And please remember, safety first! Always stay behind the yellow lines on the train platforms.

Published November 24, 2022 at 02:04AM

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username

Show HN: I built an app that scans every social media network for your username November 23, 2022 at 11:35PM

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game

Show HN: A robot that plays the Simon game November 23, 2022 at 07:10AM

Heady hikes on tech job switches seem to be over

New jobs still fetch about 30-35% hike in salaries, but they have fallen from a high of 100% amid layoffs, slowdown in economy.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: `Curl`

Show HN: `Curl` November 23, 2022 at 04:18AM

Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts

Show HN: Visualising real-time Sydney bus congestion with Marey charts November 23, 2022 at 03:16AM

Show HN: Streamlit-Extras Gallery

Show HN: Streamlit-Extras Gallery November 23, 2022 at 03:19AM

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow

Show HN: Transform & integrate data with this modern replacement for Airflow You can now use Mage to build data integration pipelines along with streaming pipelines, batch processing pipelines, and more: November 22, 2022 at 11:12PM

Monday, November 21, 2022

Government wants ecommerce, hotel and travel platforms to reveal rating methodology

Government brings out standards for online reviews to minimise the chances of bias and fraudulent reviews

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs

Show HN: I built a job board for payments and fin-tech engineering jobs November 22, 2022 at 03:45AM

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers

Show HN: Organize Carpools with Co-Workers Here's something I've been working on to help employees find carpooling options with co-workers. With inflation & gas prices going up this seems like a really good thing to have going forward. Happy to have any feedback and I'll roll it back into the site. Thank you! This is a repost after 10 weeks of working on the feedback from HN with code updates and a website redesign [1]. I submitted this before and there was very good feedback about target audience, need to show benefits, etc. Basically, I had a website that looked like it was designed by a programmer. I'd spent 95% of the work on the backend systems and 5% on the website. I've tried to majorly improve the website with screenshots and demos now. [1] November 22, 2022 at 03:00AM

The Future of Slow Streets

The Future of Slow Streets
By Eillie Anzilotti

Over the past two years, Slow Streets have shown how simple designs that prioritize people can transform streets. Suddenly, streets across San Francisco filled with the sounds of kids playing and neighbors chatting. They filled with people on bicycles and people rolling in wheelchairs; with joggers and dog-walkers. The streets came to life.

Initially, the SFMTA introduced Slow Streets as an emergency response to COVID-19. People needed space for recreating at a safe distance outdoors. And with Muni service reduced or suspended at the time, people needed ways to travel to essential destinations on foot or bike. To quickly meet these early pandemic needs, we implemented Slow Streets with simple signs and barricades.

Over time, it became clear that Slow Streets served an even larger purpose. They became places for communities to come together. Neighbors organized events like scavenger hunts and Trick or Treat parties around their local Slow Streets. They created art and hosted pop-up musical performances. For many people, Slow Streets encouraged them to shift their lifestyles. Some families sold their cars and began to travel by cargo bike. Older San Franciscans rediscovered the joy of riding bicycles. Fleets of kids gathered to bike to school in organized “bike buses” across the city. Beyond the initial pandemic response, Slow Streets proved critical to meeting some of San Francisco’s most significant goals: Vision Zero and Climate Action.

As the city moves out of the pandemic, it’s clear that Slow Streets have a place in San Francisco. We need to continue to encourage active transportation to meet our goal of 80% low-carbon trips by 2030—and we need to make these trips safe and accessible for people of all ages and abilities. Low-stress streets, like Slow Streets, create transportation choices for a wide range of San Franciscans by making active transportation comfortable, safe, and joyful.

On December 6, our Slow Streets team will bring a proposal for an ongoing Slow Streets program to the SFMTA Board. This post-pandemic program will maintain the same core principles as the pandemic-response Slow Streets. Its goal is to create safe, shared corridors that prioritize people traveling by active modes and making local trips by vehicle. But it will improve on the COVID-response program in some key ways. The proposed program will have a more durable, diverse design toolkit that will include traffic calming features like speed humps, traffic diversion, roadway narrowing, and improved wayfinding signs. And it will use data to make sure that streets are working effectively.

Our goal is for Slow Streets to meet or exceed national standards for low-stress corridors: streets where people of all ages and abilities feel comfortable walking and biking. That means no more than 1,500 vehicles per day, and speeds lower than 20 mph. For each Slow Street, our team will develop a design that reflects specific needs and conditions. We will also gather and analyze data on important safety measures like vehicle volumes and speeds, and adjust designs when needed. We aim to work efficiently and in collaboration with communities to implement these corridors.

Following the meeting on December 6, we will be sharing updated guidelines for using Slow Streets—whether you bike, roll, walk, or drive. These guidelines will create shared understanding for how to behave on Slow Streets to make sure everyone feels safe and welcome. More to come on this soon, but in the meantime, remember: Everyone is welcome, and please go slow!

Initially, we’ll be proposing 15 corridors for inclusion in the program. Most of these streets were COVID-Response Slow Streets that met criteria for continuing them as Slow Streets: high volumes of people walking, biking and rolling, and connections to the citywide active transportation network. Proposed Slow Streets are:

  • 12th Avenue
  • 22nd Street (proposed as an alternative to 20th Street to align with the citywide bicycle network)
  • 23rd Avenue
  • Arlington Street
  • Cabrillo Street
  • Cayuga Avenue (proposed as a new corridor)
  • Clay Street 
  • Golden Gate Avenue
  • Hearst Avenue 
  • Lyon Street
  • Minnesota Street
  • Noe Street
  • Sanchez Street
  • Shotwell Street
  • Somerset Street

Lake Street, which was already approved as a long-term Slow Street by the SFMTA board, will also be discussed by the board at the December 6 meeting. Existing Slow Streets that are not approved by the SFMTA Board will be removed following the meeting.  While the Slow Streets in SoMa are not recommended to continue as a part of the ongoing program, the existing traffic calming and local access restrictions will remain in place to encourage the use of these streets as places for community activation.

This is just the beginning of a program that we intend to grow to meet neighborhood and citywide transportation needs, in partnership with communities. An ongoing Slow Streets program for San Francisco will help our city meet its adopted goals for mobility, safety and climate action—and ensure that San Franciscans can continue to reimagine how their streets can serve them. We look forward to beginning this process and sharing more in the future.

For more information, please see the Slow Streets Fall 2022 Project Update and Frequently Asked Questions.

Published November 22, 2022 at 01:30AM

Airlines Push For Lone Pilot in Cockpit to Lower Costs, Ease Crew Shortage Pressure Despite Safety Concerns

Despite key nations pushing for lone pilot arrangement, it doesn’t sit well with pilots, and would also be a hard sell for passengers

from Top Business News-

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta)

Show HN: General Task, a free task manager for builders (beta) Hello everyone! I left my job to start General Task a little over a year ago, and have been building a better free task manager with a small team. We aim to be the best place where one can find what’s next in their workday and we integrate with a number of different services to help do that. We’re still in the early stages of a beta, but so far you can: - Create/edit tasks with due dates, priorities, and folders - Drag tasks onto your calendar to block off time to do them (syncs with GCal) - Sync with Linear (JIRA coming soon) to see tasks assigned to you - Sync with Github to see your PRs - Integrate with Slack to make tasks directly from Slack What sets us apart? We know there are tons of task managers out there. We believe ours is different because it is tailor-made for engineers, with integrations for Github PRs, Linear and Slack. We also support dragging tasks onto your calendar, which is usually only found in premium paid products, while our consumer product is free and always will be. Our mission is to make knowledge workers more productive, and we believe the best way to do that is by focusing on software engineers and achieving mass adoption of a free consumer product before releasing a paid product for businesses. Let us know what you think! NOTE: We currently only support Google sign-in, sorry about that! We will be adding more login options soon. If you don't want to sign in with Google, you can see a quick 1 minute demo of our features here: November 18, 2022 at 11:25PM

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Stocks to Watch Today: Archean Chemicals, Five Star, NDTV, Jet Airways, Zomato, and Others

Stocks to watch today: Shares of firms like Archean Chemicals, Five Star, NDTV, Jet Airways, Zomato, and others will be in focus in Monday's trade

from Top Business News-

ET Startup Awards 2022: A moment of truth awaits Indian startups

A high-powered panel, with some of the top names from India’s tech brigade, took stock of the market headwinds triggered by inflationary pressures and rising interest rates and looked for ways for new-age firms to balance their growth and profitability.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Create Groups for Mastodon

Show HN: Create Groups for Mastodon Hi all, I've had trouble adapting to Mastodon because your server is equated with your identity, but lots of servers are topic-oriented. To solve for that, I created this as a way to implement groups. You create an account and then whoever follows that account can @message them and then the account automatically boosts the original post. For context, first I built a mostly-working ActivityPub server in TypeScript/Node.js. I haven't quite figured out what to do as far as the client, but this seemed like a quick and easy solve for the groups issue. November 21, 2022 at 02:58AM

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library

Show HN: I built a game to test OKLCH colors/gradients in my canvas library November 21, 2022 at 02:52AM

Show HN: C++17 RISC-V RV32/64/128 userspace emulator library

Show HN: C++17 RISC-V RV32/64/128 userspace emulator library November 21, 2022 at 01:28AM

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge

Show HN: We created a tool to visualize scientific knowledge I posted our project a few days ago in a thread about Vitamin D. We’ve made some UI improvements people might find interesting. November 20, 2022 at 10:41PM

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference

Show HN: Rust Ownership: Value and Reference November 20, 2022 at 08:52AM

Show HN: Flow – Open source ePub reader with VS Code style

Show HN: Flow – Open source ePub reader with VS Code style After more than half a year of development, I decided to open source it. November 20, 2022 at 08:08AM

ET Startup Awards 2022: India a steady ship, trusted partner amid global turmoil

Union ministers Piyush Goyal, Ashwini Vaishnaw and Karnataka CM Basavaraj Bommai highlighted big India opportunity.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Verofile

Show HN: Verofile November 20, 2022 at 03:04AM

Show HN: Rssnix – Unix-style filesystem-based RSS/Atom/JSON Feed fetcher/reader

Show HN: Rssnix – Unix-style filesystem-based RSS/Atom/JSON Feed fetcher/reader November 20, 2022 at 03:43AM

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web

Show HN: API to deliver responsive images for Web November 19, 2022 at 03:29PM

Friday, November 18, 2022

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2022: 5 Tips to Encourage a Business Woman

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, commemorates the contribution women so as to promote a more welcoming environment for businesswomen

from Top Business News-

Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI

Show HN: I made a free transcription service powered by Whisper AI November 19, 2022 at 04:03AM

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme

Show HN: A minimal, keyboard centric Firefox theme Hi, Tired with unneccacary clutter, and not that many options for minimal browsers, with the option of browsing without toolbars. I made this quick tweak. By now means a technical feat, but it does the job. Figured some of you might enjoy! November 19, 2022 at 02:38AM

Elon Musk asks Twitter software engineers to report to office -email

The billionaire said, "I would appreciate it if you could fly to SF to be present in person," adding that he would be at Twitter's San Francisco headquarters until midnight and would return Saturday morning.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: At a Glance ESM Support for NPM Packages

Show HN: At a Glance ESM Support for NPM Packages We've rolled out a feature for that we think is a DX game changer for Node devs. Since the emergence of ECMA Script modules, it's been a continuous guessing game as to what kind of exports a package has. That's never really been discoverable without using a site like unpkg, or installing the package and inspecting package.json. Openbase now displays the ES Module support level (e.g. type of exports) on all of their package pages. We added this feature because our devs are some of the folks continually caught off guard by installing an NPM dependency only to find out it's ESM-only. If that's you too, or if the type of exports matter for your project, check out the package on Openbase first. A few screenshots: - - - November 19, 2022 at 01:17AM

Show HN: Get answers for shell commands from GPT3 from your terminal

Show HN: Get answers for shell commands from GPT3 from your terminal I was constantly googling CLI commands so I built this small CLI tool with GPT3. You can ask for shell commands right from the CLI. You'd need to use your own API KEY for this but it's pretty simple, instructions are in the README Not perfect but not bad either. November 18, 2022 at 12:34PM

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Taximeter Rate Increase

Taximeter Rate Increase

Today, our new taxi meter rates go into effect, providing a much-needed increase for taxi drivers. After extensive outreach, the SFMTA board passed an 18% increase in the taximeter rates – the first increase in 11 years. During this time, the cost of living in the Bay Area has risen considerably.

  •  45% increase in the cost of everyday items
  • 50% increase in the cost of transportation
  •  82% peak increase in the cost of gasoline.

The new rates listed below will support an industry that is an integral part of  our transportation system, especially for SF’s paratransit program.

The new rates go into effect beginning Thursday, November 17:

  • First one-fifth mile of flag rate is $4.15
  • Each additional one-fifth mile or fraction thereof is $0.65
  • Each minute of waiting or traffic time delay is $0.65
  • SFO pick-up fee is unchanged at $5.50

For more information on the current structure of taxi fares, please visit Taxi Fares.

To get a sense of what this increase will mean for an average rider, we show an estimate for a typical taxi trip.

Under the old rate structure, the average cost for a taxi ride was $16.04, which includes a 15% tip. Under the new approved structure, the average cost, including tip will be $18.98, or a $2.94 increase per trip. This increase goes directly to taxi drivers.

Comparison table of old and new taxi meter rates

Impact on Paratransit Taxi Riders

Taxis have been an integral part of the SFMTA’s paratransit program since the 1980’s, and they provide an important mobility option for people with disabilities who are unable to use Muni. The SFMTA subsidizes 80% of the cost of paratransit taxi trips, and the paratransit taxi rider pays the remaining 20%. Paratransit taxi riders will see an increase of approximately $0.50 for an average paratransit taxi trip under the new meter rates. Paratransit taxi trips accounted for roughly 13% of all taxi trips in the last fiscal year.

Please contact with any questions you may have about the new rates.

Published November 17, 2022 at 11:36PM

Govt has earmarked Rs 1,000 crore to fund chip design startups: Rajeev Chandrasekhar

The Centre is also working to build an end-to-end semiconductor ecosystem, which includes the new fund, and the semiconductor packaging and manufacturing components, said Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components

Show HN: A Search Engine for React Components I built this to help developers create UI faster. Just search for a component, make quick visual edits, then export the code. November 18, 2022 at 12:37AM

Show HN: SingleFile is finally available on Safari (macOS/iOS)

Show HN: SingleFile is finally available on Safari (macOS/iOS) November 17, 2022 at 11:48PM

Explore Yerba Buena with New Central Subway Connections

Explore Yerba Buena with New Central Subway Connections
By Christopher Ward

Image of Yerba Buena/Moscone Station street level entrance

Starting November 19, Central Subway opens for special service, allowing customers to experience the new Yerba Buena/Moscone Station.

The new Yerba Buena/Moscone Station at 4th and Folsom streets along the Central Subway connects Muni customers with the communities and attractions in San Francisco’s South of Market district. The new station is located across the street from Yerba Buena Square and the Moscone Convention Center and steps away from hotels, museums, shopping and restaurants. However, you choose to spend your time in Yerba Buena, you’ll have no shortage of things to do.

Interested in the arts and culture? Yerba Buena/Moscone Station is your stop! Explore the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), the Contemporary Jewish Museum, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the Museum of the African Diaspora (MOAD), the American Bookbinder’s Museum or the Children’s Creativity Museum, all within a couple blocks.

Smartphone users can also take the Yerba Buena Public Art Audio Walking Tour – a self-guided experience curated by the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District that explores the diverse public art in the area. Or visit the California Historical Society to learn more about our great state.

Forgot what it’s like to go to the movies? Catch a new film – maybe in 3D – at the Metreon, just blocks from the new Yerba Buena/Moscone Station. Or gather friends for a more active experience at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center.

Casual and fine dining restaurants, hip coffee shops and both trendy and classic bars abound throughout the area around the Yerba Buena/Moscone Station. Or opt for a picnic at the Yerba Buena Gardens.

San Francisco City College students and faculty will also be able to take the T Third and get off at Yerba Buena/Moscone Station to get to the downtown center campus on 4th and Mission.

Going shopping? The Yerba Buena/Moscone Station puts Muni customers close to the Westfield Shopping Centre, big box stores like Target and the Container Store on 4th Street, and food hubs like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.

The Yerba Buena area of SoMa is also the thriving cultural hub of the Filipino community in San Francisco. For a unique experience, visit Arkipelago Books – a cornerstone of the Filipino community in SoMA for 20 years. Follow the Public Art Walking Tour to Lapu Lapu and learn more about Filipino history and key figures of the community.

A zoomed out image of bus traveling down the bus lane in front of the new Yerba Buena/Moscone station.

At the Yerba Buena/Moscone Station, Muni riders can easily transfer to several nearby Muni lines to get around the city!

Connect to these SoMa destinations when you hop on Central Subway’s special weekend service starting Saturdays and Sundays, November 19, from 8 a.m.-12 a.m.

For those who wish to connect from Yerba Buena/Moscone Station to other locations around the city, several bus routes that are within walking distance of the new station including the 8 Bayshore, 8AX Bayshore Express A, 8BX Bayshore Express B, 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express, 30 Stockton, 45 Union, 91 3rd Street and 12 Folsom.

Get to know the new Central Subway destinations with special weekend service through the end of year. Then, on Saturday, January 7, kick off the new year with new T-Third service via Central Subway between Chinatown and Sunnydale. Fall in love with San Francisco all over again!

Published November 17, 2022 at 11:21PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Class 8th student from Rohtak writes a book on her experience during pandemic

The fiction-genre book is a light-hearted take on characters that hit the author’s mind while struggling to connect with the outer world. A student of class 8th in reputed Kings College, India, Yahista said that the book has 15 chapters and it took her 7 months to jot it down.

from Latest Education news - Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

Did not enter fashion business to justify our valuation: Nykaa CEO Falguni Nayar

Omnichannel beauty retailer is working to turn in profits for Nykaa Fashion and its B2B distribution platform Superstore

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives

Show HN: Narrative BI – Turn marketing data into automated narratives Michael and Yury here – we're building a no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically generates actionable data insights. After working in the data space for many years, we realized there was still a huge gap in the marketing analytics market. Growth teams have so much marketing and advertising data, yet this siloed data is not actionable. The existing BI and search-driven analytics solutions are designed for data-savvy people. In our experience (previously built an NLP company called FriendlyData), non-technical people just don't know what questions to ask. So we decided to try a different approach: Narrative BI automatically generates a personalized feed of insights. You just need to connect your data sources (takes 2 min to set up), and you will get automated narratives, alerts, and reports in minutes. We currently support UA, GA4, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads, but many more integrations will be added soon. You can try it out for free and give feedback or roast it in the comments section. Just connect your data source, and you'll start getting narratives in 5 minutes. November 16, 2022 at 11:53PM

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr

Show HN: I Built a Gaming GeoGuessr My friend and I made a fully featured gaming geoguessr - complete with 360 degree panoramas, movement, leaderboards, and multiplayer. We had made a Fortnite geoguessr a while back, and although this was well received, our goal always was to bring the worlds of all games to the browser. A much harder task considering the scale and scope of many open world games. We had to make a bunch of tools to be able to achieve this. World of Warcraft alone took us roughly 3,000,000 images to do (and will likely need another 1,000,000 for Dragonflight once it releases). We are finally at a point where we are happy to release this into the wild and let people try it, although we are still working hard on adding all the games that are listed as coming soon. If you're ever bored, and would like to test your gaming map knowledge - or would just like to explore the world in your browser akin to Google StreetView, you can check us out at November 17, 2022 at 01:44AM

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends

Show HN: Pomodoro Timer with Friends November 17, 2022 at 12:44AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Stocks to Watch Today: Bikaji Foods, Medanta, Nykaa, NDTV, SBI, Tata Motors, and Others

Stocks to watch today: Shares of firms like Bikaji Foods, Medanta, Nykaa, NDTV, SBI, Tata Motors, and others will be in focus in Wednesday's trade

from Top Business News-

Amazon India likely to axe jobs amid global layoffs

The Jeff Bezos-founded tech major – which operates various businesses in India including ecommerce, data centre under Amazon Web Services, and Prime Video – is expected to let go 10,000 corporate and technology employees, as reported by global media on Monday.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge

Show HN: Woodpecker, an unusual Zachtronics-inspired cryptography challenge November 16, 2022 at 02:12AM

Show HN: Sketch a fashion design and get a visualisation

Show HN: Sketch a fashion design and get a visualisation November 16, 2022 at 03:05AM

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo

Show HN: Kùzu: An Embeddable GDBMS like DuckDB/SQLite from UWaterloo Hello HN! Today, we are pleased to publicly release Kùzu: a new embeddable graph database management system under a permissible license. You can see our blog post in the above link that gives an overview of the system and our goals/vision. The system is in its early stages but please try it out and give us your feedback, tell us your feature requests, and please report bugs! November 15, 2022 at 07:18PM

Flipkart’s Big Billion Days event lifts Walmart International's Q3 sales

Walmart, in its quarterly earnings call for the September quarter, said its international revenue increased 13% to $26.8 billion in constant-currency terms, primarily driven by double-digit growth in Flipkart and its Mexico business Walmex.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: The German Job Market Is Crashing

Show HN: The German Job Market Is Crashing If we looked at the German Job Market as if it were the stock market, we would say that it's crashing! On the following link you can see my pet project where I have been scrapping the major job offer portal in Germany for over one year. In the last two weeks it has lost 33% percent of all posted job offers and it keeps dropping as a rock :-( Dashboard: Source Code: Slide Deck: November 16, 2022 at 12:32AM

Monday, November 14, 2022

Tech Mahindra to roll out moonlighting policy soon

The company is looking at allowing side gigs as long as they do not interrupt the work at Tech Mahindra and is only for a short duration, such as over the weekend or a couple of hours in the week, said Harshvendra Soin, who is also its head of marketing.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Dlna-cast, a command line tool to cast PC screen to DLNA devices

Show HN: Dlna-cast, a command line tool to cast PC screen to DLNA devices dlna-cat is a cross-platform command-line tool that casts screen and media file to remote DLNA device. dlna-cast uses ffmpeg to capture screen and audio, then convert them into HLS streams which could be served by a simple HTTP server. The HLS url will be send to the selected device via uPnP protocol and then you can watch you screen on the remote device (smart TV, typically). This tool is supposed to be cross-platform but currently I don't have a Linux or MacOS device at hand so it can only run on Windows now. It won't be hard to support other platforms though, as there are no platform specific dependencies. HLS is chosen just because it is easy to implement. But the problem of HLS is its high latency (up to 5-10s or more) so it's definitely not for scenarios that require low latency (presentation for example). But as a trade-off the streaming quality exceeds a lot of software screen-casting solutions (Lebocast for example) that have been tested by myself, which make it pretty good to stream music or video playing from your PC to TV. November 14, 2022 at 11:07PM

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read)

Show HN: Science fiction inspired by an HN thread (5 min read) Inspired by some awesome comments in: November 14, 2022 at 11:57PM

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Stocks to Watch Today: LIC, Hinduja Group, NDTV, SBI, IRCTC, and Others

Stocks to watch today: Shares of firms like LIC, Hinduja Group, NDTV, SBI, IRCTC, and others will be in focus in Monday's trade

from Top Business News-

Show HN: Blarb V2 – Ephemeral microblogging that promotes unfiltered sharing

Show HN: Blarb V2 – Ephemeral microblogging that promotes unfiltered sharing We are excited to announce that we are launching version 2 of Blarb. Blarb is an ephemeral microblogging platform that promotes unfiltered sharing. Anything you share in Blarb gets deleted in 24 hours. Real names are optional, no likes, and no follower count. New features in version 2: - Improved discovery by introducing explore page. - Instant notifications in supported browsers. - Recent blurbs in the landing page. - Improved UI/UX in some of the pages. - And the most requested Dark mode. Happy #sharing. November 14, 2022 at 07:50AM

Razorpay eyes IPO in two to three years; hacking-as-a-service on the rise

Razorpay, which is valued at $7.5 billion, has already surpassed its annual gross transaction value (GTV) target of $90 billion for this year, hitting the $100-billion mark.

from Tech-Economic Times

Fintech SaaS firm company Lentra raises $60 million in funding

The Pune-based company is expected to enter Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines by March next year and have an international presence across five geographies outside India by the end of 2023.

from Tech-Economic Times

Here's what FTX's investors have to say

Regulators froze some assets of distressed cryptocurrency exchange FTX and industry peers are trying to limit losses, while FTX chief executive, Sam Bankman-Fried is coming under scrutiny.

from Tech-Economic Times

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Twitter Blue 'probably' coming back end of next week, Musk says

Twitter on Friday paused its recently announced $8 blue check subscription service on Friday as fake accounts mushroomed.

from Tech-Economic Times

500 educators attend Education Excellence Conclave

As many as 500 educators including school principals, chairmen, and directors participated in one day ‘Education Excellence Conclave 2022’ at Zirakpur on Saturday.

from Latest Education news - Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

FTX's founder was called a modern-day J.P. Morgan Sr. The analogy still works.

Bankman-Fried, founder of the exchange known as FTX, was considered by many to be a safe bet that would tame the wilds of crypto, his industry's white knight.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game

Show HN: Fed Up Inflation Game Elixir/Phoenix LiveView Concept shamelessly stolen from Cookie Clicker. November 13, 2022 at 08:44AM

Laid off professionals approach placements, startups amid job crunch

Tech, sales and marketing, content, product developers, teachers and contractual staff like testers, have all been affected. While the first two categories have comparatively more opportunities, teachers are among the worst hit.

from Tech-Economic Times

Friday, November 11, 2022

Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago

Show HN: Visualization of Ghost Buses in Chicago November 12, 2022 at 07:15AM

Are we headed for dotcom bust 2.0?

While there’s little doubt the tech world has been in a pandemic-induced, stimulus-funded, number-go-up utopia for the best part of three years, there’s a significant difference between the dotcom bubble and this one.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Paragrai – add paragraphs to badly formatted web novel translations

Show HN: Paragrai – add paragraphs to badly formatted web novel translations A pet project I worked on for a couple of days. It uses gpt2 to add paragraphs to text. I made it to solve the very niche problem of badly formatted web novel translations that kept occurring on a website I frequent. November 12, 2022 at 07:39AM

Amid chip glut, waiting time may reduce but vehicle prices to stay

Indian vehicle makers do not expect retail prices to reduce although delivery timelines are likely to fall for some brands.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use

Show HN: We made metadata-secure video conferencing that's easy to use November 12, 2022 at 04:33AM

“Was shocked to see things unravel the way they did”: Bankman-Fried addresses FTX users

Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX CEO who resigned today, addressed his followers on Twitter.

from Tech-Economic Times

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Show HN: GitHub Org Audit Tool

Show HN: GitHub Org Audit Tool This is a tool for auditing github organizations including their repos, users, and teams. It is useful for compliance, security and auditing. November 11, 2022 at 05:58AM

Show HN: Onefetch – Command-line Git Information tool

Show HN: Onefetch – Command-line Git Information tool Onefetch is a command-line Git information tool written in Rust that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly to your terminal. The tool is completely offline - no network access is required. November 11, 2022 at 05:00AM

SFMTA Upgrades Predictions Software This Weekend!

SFMTA Upgrades Predictions Software This Weekend!
By Mariana Maguire

SFMTA will switch over to a new, upgraded software system on Sunday, November 13,  as part of our Next Generation Customer Information System (CIS) project. The new software was developed to improve the way our different information systems communicate with each other and share data to and from multiple sources. This will provide customers more accurate, timely, reliable Muni service predictions. This is one more important step in the overhaul of our CIS that will enable us to provide better service to Muni customers.

SFMTA’s Next Generation CIS software has been in preliminary testing for months, and if all works well, Muni customers should not notice any change. But anyone who’s had to help loved ones with computer or smartphone troubles knows that software updates aren’t always smooth. Unanticipated challenges may arise. Customers should expect some glitches as we make the software switch and work out issues on the back end.

To reduce impacts to customers, we are gradually connecting new screens to the new software system. This should help isolate any issues to troubleshoot more effectively. Our Customer Information System staff and software contractors will be keeping a close eye on system performance and working quickly to resolve issues.

This upgrade to a new, more efficient software system is a crucial milestone toward providing many new features over the coming months, including:

  • Dynamic maps
  • Real-time service changes
  • Short-term route changes
  • Terminal departure predictions
  • Transfer connection predictions
  • Regional connections
  • Alternative routes
  • Accessibility information
  • Vehicle crowding predictions

Third Party Apps

SFMTA provides open-source transit data that third party transit apps use on their platforms. Each app has its own way of processing that information, which can vary and may lead to differences or inconsistencies in transit information. SFMTA is in touch with known third party apps to help them troubleshoot issues.

We appreciate Muni riders’ patience as we continue our Next Generation CIS upgrades to improve Muni service long-term.

Learn more about what’s next for our Next Generation upgrades and the many new features rolling out soon.

Published November 11, 2022 at 03:29AM

Show HN: Twitter Like News App

Show HN: Twitter Like News App Hi everyone, My name is Stuart and I've been solo developing a news app (and now newsletter) for the past half a year or so. tl;dr (current status): an app with a Twitter like feed of news events. The posts are 1-2 sentences, only actual events (no opinion, analysis, roundup, evergreen, etc), categorized into feeds, and tagged (lets you dig wikis or find events for a given entity). There is also a newsletter I just launched that is a bit cleaner in terms of UI, but with less features. longer: My goal is to make it easier to stay informed and access information (not such a hot take that news and media suffers from a UX issue). What that will look like in the long term, I can't possibly know. Although I have many theories, all I can do is iterate and keep an open mind. My first attempt at cracking this is to shorten the unit of information from an article to an event, thus saving the reader valuable time and mental energy. If you want to read more about how I do this check out I'd love to hear your feedback on the idea and/or app (forgive the janky UI). Thanks, Stuart p.s. if this sounds like something you'd like to work on, don't hesitate to reach out. I have an engineering background but would love someone else to hack with newsletter link if interested: November 11, 2022 at 02:34AM

"No way to sugarcoat": read Elon Musk's first email to Twitter employees

Musk wrote an email to Twitter employees, warning them of the times ahead.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic)

Show HN: Elonman (Animated Webcomic) November 11, 2022 at 02:00AM

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal

Show HN: An API for CO₂ Removal Hi all, We're Fabienne and Ewan of Climacrux. Today we're proud to launch our latest project to try and make carbon dioxide removal as accessible as possible: CDR Platform [1]. In short: it’s an API to connect to a portfolio of carbon removers. You can purchase from as low as a single gram and select from both natural and technological removal methods. Longer: A couple of years ago we launched an alternative to carbon credits, Carbon Removed[2], designed for individuals to buy and subscribe to CDR. But we always had the nagging thought that there was more that could be done. CDR Platform is our foundation for that - a simple API to get prices and purchase (at the moment). Our plan is to become the Stripe of the carbon removal ecosystem, seamlessly connecting the supply to the demand. We’d love to hear your feedback. Do you see a use case for this and would you use it? What features have we missed? Do you understand what we’re doing and if not, what’s unclear? We’d love to hear from you.[3] Many thanks and happy hacking, Climacrux. P.s. If you are a carbon remover, send us your prices, life cycle analysis and some more information about your removal timeline. Our aim is to bring your services to a wider audience so you can focus on reducing our CO₂ levels. Thanks for your work! [1] [2] [3] November 11, 2022 at 12:07AM

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

SaaS unicorn Netcore puts off IPO on 'uncertain market conditions'

Bootstrapped firm to review IPO prospects after examining FY23 numbers as softness in customer decision-making and macroeconomic uncertainty dictate caution.

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Noticing and preventing network requests should be easy

Show HN: Noticing and preventing network requests should be easy November 10, 2022 at 05:45AM

Show HN: Generic dual-paradigm hooking mechanism

Show HN: Generic dual-paradigm hooking mechanism Hi HN ! I am Alex, a tech enthusiast, I'm excited to show you a major iteration of my library for performing hooking in Python. I redesigned the whole project because it didn't not cover all my needs. I'm happy with the current iteration that I've written tests for and look forward to spending weeks and months using it in my projects. Python has a concept called Decorator [1] which is a function that takes another function and extends the behavior. In the following script, the timeit decorator is used to measure the execution time of the heavy_computation function: import time from functools import wraps def timeit(text): def deco(target): @wraps(target) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # execute and measure the target run time start_time = time.perf_counter() result = target(*args, **kwargs) total_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time # print elapsed time print(text.format(total=total_time)) return result return wrapper return deco @timeit(text="Done in {total:.3f} seconds !") def heavy_computation(a, b): time.sleep(2) # doing some heavy computation ! return a*b if __name__ == "__main__": result = heavy_computation(6, 9) print("Result:", result) Output: $ python -m test Done in 2.001 seconds ! Result: 54 Besides benchmarking, there are many other cool things that can be done with the Python decorator. For example, the Flask [2] and Bottle [3] web frameworks implement routing with decorators. While decorators are cool, it's worth mentioning that using a decorator is much more intuitive than writing its code. The code is entirely different depending on whether the decorator takes arguments or not. The following code performs the same task as the previous one, except it is more clear and intuitive: import time from hooking import on_enter def timeit(context, *args, **kwargs): # execute and measure the target run time start_time = time.perf_counter() context.result =*args, **kwargs) total_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time # print elapsed time text = context.config.get("text") # get 'text' from config data print(text.format(total=total_time)) = None @on_enter(timeit, text="Done in {total:.3f} seconds !") def heavy_computation(a, b): time.sleep(2) # doing some heavy computation ! return a*b if __name__ == "__main__": result = heavy_computation(6, 9) print("Result:", result) Output: $ python -m test Done in 2.001 seconds ! Result: 54 The Hooking library used in the code above uses Python decorators to wrap, augment, and override functions and methods. It is a generic hooking [4] mechanism which is perfect for creating a plug-in mechanism for a project, performing benchmarking and debugging, implementing routing in a web framework, et cetera. Also, it is a dual paradigm hooking mechanism since it supports tight and loose coupling [5]. The previous code uses the tight coupling paradigm, that's why the timeit hook is directly tied to the target function. In loose coupling paradigm, targets functions and methods are tagged using a decorator, and hooks are bound to these tags. So when a target is called, the bound hooks are executed upstream or downstream. This paradigm is served by a class designed for pragmatic access via class methods [6]. This class can be easily subclassed to group tags by theme for example. Here is an example of the loose coupling paradigm: import time from hooking import H @H.tag def heavy_computation(a, b): print("heavy computation...") time.sleep(2) # doing some heavy computation ! return a*b def upstream_hook(context, *args, **kwargs): print("upstream hook...") def downstream_hook(context, *args, **kwargs): print("downstream hook...") # bind upstream_hook and downstream_hook to the "heavy_computation" tag H.wrap("heavy_computation", upstream_hook, downstream_hook) if __name__ == "__main__": result = heavy_computation(6, 9) print("Result:", result) Output: $ python -m test upstream hook... heavy computation... downstream hook... Result: 54 This library is available on PyPI and you can play with the examples [7] which are on the project's README. I would like to know what you think [8] of this project. Your questions, suggestions and criticisms are welcome ! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] November 9, 2022 at 06:40PM

Elon Musk tells Twitter advertisers he wants to stop fake accounts, pursue truth

Days after Twitter rattled users and advertisers by cutting half its staff, over 100,000 listeners tuned in to hear Musk speak on Twitter's Spaces feature. He was joined by Yoel Roth, Twitter's head of safety and integrity, who has reassured users that Twitter would uphold its policies against harmful content.

from Tech-Economic Times

New Muni Metro Station Opens in the Heart of Union Square

New Muni Metro Station Opens in the Heart of Union Square
By Mariana Maguire

Photo of Union Square with holiday lights in the backgrouns, people crossing the street, and people riding a Cable car in the foreground.

Central Subway special weekend service will be running just in time for the holiday lights at Union Square

The new Central Subway Union Square/Market Street Station puts Muni customers in the heart of historic San Francisco, beneath Union Square Plaza at Geary and Stockton streets – open just in time to enjoy Macy’s famous holiday window displays and ice skating on the plaza.

Surrounding the Square, visitors can access world-class shopping from some of the most coveted names in fashion and jewelry. Travelers will be steps away from several big-name and boutique hotels. Quaint locally owned cafes, delis, restaurants and bars nearby offer a wide variety of cuisine from Asian to French to Irish, and beyond!

Barbary Coast Trail markers on the sidewalk will lead you on an odyssey through old San Francisco. Maiden Lane – a polite reference to the activities that once took place in the early days of the city – is now a stylish pedestrian promenade only half a block north of the new station entrance. Take a stroll and you’ll even see one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s buildings there.

Architecture buffs will find even more to explore around Union Square, where the skyline is sprinkled with Beaux-Arts, Chicago style, Art Deco, Futurist, modern and contemporary construction.

A short walk further north leads to the famous Chinatown Dragon Gates on Grant Street, marking the entrance to the neighborhood where San Francisco’s growth from tiny outpost to booming city began. Learn more about the destinations near Chinatown-Rose Pak Station..

Head to Powell Street, one block west of the Union Square/Market Street Station entrance and catch the Powell/Hyde or Powell/Mason Cable Car lines to ride America’s only moving National Monument! Read more about San Francisco’s cable cars and their unique history.

Cable car on a downtown street with a crew member hanging alongside

Historic cable cars run along Powell Street, next to Union Square.

Connect to Union Square when you hop on Central Subway’s special weekend service starting Saturdays and Sundays, November 19, from 8 a.m.-12 a.m.

T Third service between Chinatown-Rose Pak Station and Sunnydale starts January 7, 2023. Read more details on our service changes page.

Published November 10, 2022 at 02:02AM

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Stocks to Watch Today: Tata Motors, Lupin, PB Fintech, Bharat Electronics, and Others

Stocks to watch today: Shares of firms like Tata Motors, Lupin, PB Fintech, Bharat Electronics, and others will be in focus in Wednesday's trade

from Top Business News-

At VKE, parent community is partners in excellence

The Parent Teacher Association (2022-23) at Victorious Kidss Educares passionately and as ever, joins hands with the management to bring out the secret power from within each child, said a statement issued by the school.

from Latest Education news - Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

Binance’s FTT selloffs add to Indian crypto investors’ woes

Digital assets crash again as markets reacts to crypto exchange FTX insolvency rumours

from Tech-Economic Times

Show HN: Build a Better Software Developer Resume

Show HN: Build a Better Software Developer Resume After about 10 years as a developer, interviewing many devs, and reviewing hundreds of resumes I decided to write a guide that I wish I had when I was first starting out. Completely free (just enter $0 as price) If you find it helpful, would love it if you: - Leave a review - Share it with a friend who might also benefit! November 9, 2022 at 05:20AM

Show HN: Helping laid-off people find their next job

Show HN: Helping laid-off people find their next job November 8, 2022 at 10:42PM

Show HN: Pet Portrait AI – Custom Pet Portraits

Show HN: Pet Portrait AI – Custom Pet Portraits November 9, 2022 at 12:26AM

Monday, November 7, 2022

Is Stock Market Closed Today? Know BSE, NSE, MCX Trading Timings on Gurunanak Jayanti

Indian benchmark indices, the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) and the BSE, will remain shut on November 8 on account of the Gurunanak Jayanti

from Top Business News-

Those fired from Twitter won’t find it too hard to get jobs

Many laid-off Twitter employees have reached out to other companies for job opportunities. Tech professionals in particular are getting multiple job offers.

from Tech-Economic Times

Five Years of Data Show: Our Street Safety Projects are Making a Difference

Five Years of Data Show: Our Street Safety Projects are Making a Difference
By Julia Malmo

Ever wonder about the effectiveness of projects after they go into the ground? Us, too!  

That’s why, in 2017, we launched the Safe Streets Evaluation Program to help project teams understand whether a transportation safety project’s design is effective, and where there might be opportunities to adjust the design if not. Project evaluation data can also be combined across projects to help the SFMTA track the effectiveness of a certain type of safety improvement, which can in turn streamline the design of future projects. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program helps us work towards achieving Vision Zero, an initiative to prioritize street safety and eliminate traffic deaths in San Francisco.  

This week, we’re looking back on five years of data gathered through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program with the “2022 Safe Streets Evaluation Summary,” an interactive website summarizing the results of 18 bicycle, pedestrian and traffic safety projects implemented since 2017. 

Each of the 18 projects evaluated in the summary report added significant safety upgrades to the streets. Some introduced vehicle travel lane removals (road diets), separated bikeways, separated bike signals, or left-turn traffic calming devices. Others brought general improvements for pedestrians at intersections including pedestrian signal improvements, daylighting (red zones at intersections) and upgraded crosswalks. For every project, the SFMTA drew on a wide range of data—from project-specific observations, to police reports, to speed data—to create a comprehensive view into its’ effectiveness. 

An infographic displaying the project names, key design element, and results. In the lefthand column, under “Inventory” the following projects are listed: 7th Street, 8th Street, Folsom Streetscape, Golden Gate Avenue, Leavenworth Street, Turk Street, Central Embarcadero, Valencia Street, 6th Street, Safer Taylor Street, Indiana Street, California Street, Page Street, Fell Street, Polk Street, Second Street, Masonic Avenue, Left-Turn Safety. In the center column, under “toolbox,” the following elements are listed: Road lane reductions, separated bikeways, bike signals, pedestrian upgrades, left-turn traffic safety. In the righthand column, under “results”, the following findings are listed: Collisions decreased by 18%; 85th percentile speeds decreased by 3%; bicycle volumes increased up to 75%; vehicle-bike interactions at signals decreased by 93%; vehicles blocking the bike lane decreased by 90%; pedestrian-vehicle close calls decreased by 38%; vehicle travel time increased an average of 50 seconds for 7.3 miles of road lane reductions; left turn vehicle speeds decreased by 17%

The evaluation report indicates that the SFMTA’s safety tools are working together to create safer environments for all modes of transportation on city streets. 

You can dig into the whole set of outcomes on the website, but here are some highlights:  

  • Within the projects evaluated, annual collision rates decreased by 18%  

  • Bicycle-related collision rates decreased by 33% and pedestrian-related collision rates decreased by 32%   

  • Bicycle volumes on streets that received bicycle improvements increased up to 75% in the morning peak (8 AM to 10 AM) commute times, with similar growth in the afternoon/evening peak (4 PM to 6 PM) commute times.   

  • Thanks to protected bikeways, the rate of incidents of vehicles blocking the bike lane decreased by 90%.   

  • Close calls or near misses between pedestrians and drivers decreased across evaluated projects by 38%.  

  • Several projects in under-served communities such as the Bayview and Tenderloin are helping to address historic inequities and under-investment in these neighborhoods.   A table titled “Aggregate Project Findings Across Evaluated Projects”. At the top of the table, a blue bar lists out the column titles: Measure; Metric; Overall Findings; Capital Findings; Quick-Build Findings. In the Collisions section, the following sub-categories are evaluated. For Annual Collision Rate: Overall findings show an 18% reduction; Capital Findings show a 19% reduction; Quick-Build Findings show a 17% reduction. For Annual Bike-related collision rate: Overall findings show a 33% reduction; Capital findings show a 5% reduction; Quick-Build findings show a 42% reduction. For Annual Pedestrian Related Collision Rates: Overall findings show a 32% reduction; Capital findings show a 50% reduction; Quick-Build findings show a 26% reduction. In the Vehicle Speed section, the following sub-categories are evaluated. For 85th Percentile Speed: Overall findings show a 3% reduction; Capital findings show a 5% reduction, and Quick-Build Findings show a 3% reduction. For Max Speed Change Observed: Overall findings show a 20% reduction, and no data is present for either Capital Findings or Quick-Build Findings. For Vehicle Travel Time/Vehicle Travel Time in Seconds: Overall findings show 50.00; Capital Findings show 221.00; Quick-Build Findings show 21.50. For the Bike Volume section, the following sub-categories are evaluated. For AM Bike Volumes: Overall Findings show a 75% increase; Capital Findings show a 187% increase; Quick-Build findings show a 41% increase. For PM Bike Volumes: Overall Findings show a 72% increase; Capital Findings show a 107% increase; Quick-Build Findings show a 62% increase. In the Bike Signal Interactions and Close Calls section, the following sub-categories are evaluated. For Bike-Vehicle interactions: Overall findings show a 93% reduction; Capital findings show no data; Quick-Build findings show a 93% reduction. For Close Calls (near misses): Overall findings show a 62% reduction; Capital findings show no data; Quick-Build findings show a 62% reduction. For Average Daily Interactions Post-Implementation: Overall Findings show 2.2; Capital Findings show 0.3; Quick-Build Findings show 3.1. For Bike Compliance w/ Bike Signal: Overall findings show 87% compliance; Capital Findings show 86%; Quick-Build Findings show 88% compliance. For Vehicle Compliance w/ No Turn On Red: Overall findings show 90% compliance; Capital Findings show 86% compliance; Quick-Build findings show 92% compliance. In the Blocking the Bikeway section, Rates of Incidents was evaluated. Overall Findings show a 90% reduction; Capital Findings show a 19% reduction; Quick-Build Findings show a 90% reduction. In the Vehicle-Pedestrian Close Calls Section, Close Calls (near misses) were evaluatd. Overall Findings show a 38% reduction; capital findings show a 0% reduction; quick-build findings show a 34% reduction

The Safe Streets Evaluation team will continue to think creatively about how to build on the evaluation work and use it to inform our current and future projects, programs, and practices through developing a publicly accessible database of all Safe Streets Evaluation data and finding better ways to evaluate project outreach efforts. 

View the 2022 Safe Streets Evaluation Summary 

Learn more about the SFMTA Safe Streets Evaluation Program:\safestreetsevaluation 


Published November 08, 2022 at 04:26AM